About Me

My photo
I write and live with my beautiful wife, Sandra, and sons (Solstice, Finnegan and Brahms) in a little-big house on a dirt road in a valley in the hills. My secret identity struggles through the grind of teaching high school English to the denizens of Vermont's Northeast Kingdom.

Friday, August 27, 2010

My tenth short story sale!

Just got word that "Arthur Penniman, Private First Class" has been accepted into the School Days anthology at Static Movement Press. This makes me very happy. It is a semi-autobiographical tale that acts as a metaphor (allegory?) to our war culture. Arthur Penniman is my Douglas Spaulding (Bradbury) or Nick Adams (Hemingway). I have sent in my comic to Dark Horse and I am continuing to await news about my fantasy trilogy. I will write more when I know more.


Monday, August 16, 2010

End of Summer Blues

Well, tomorrow I go back to the old Teacher work area and pound out the curriculum for another year of twisting... inspiring young minds. My summer of writing and lazing about is just about over. I have written a number of short stories, we'll hope that the seeds I've planted will bear fruit.

I did manage to sign a contract for my fantasy trilogy. Most exciting.

For the final piece de resistance I managed to revisit my friends Glen, the sasquatch, and Barry, the werewolf. I have so much fun writing about their friendship. A novel of their adventures is in the works.

I hope you are all having a wonderful August...


Monday, August 9, 2010

Moving right along...

My five year plan is working marvelously...bwa ha ha ha!

I have really exciting news concerning my fantasy trilogy. I am waiting for the details, but lets just say my five year plan is going along fabulously. (Did I just use the word fabulously?)

Another writer wrote about my story in the eleventh issue of Necrotic Tissue. He really liked it. Don't take my word for it go to: http://journalofalways.blogspot.com/2010/08/review-nectrotic-tissue-11.html and see for yourself.

I am also working on a comic book project that may yeild great fruit in the near future, we shall see.

Life is good.
