About Me

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I write and live with my beautiful wife, Sandra, and sons (Solstice, Finnegan and Brahms) in a little-big house on a dirt road in a valley in the hills. My secret identity struggles through the grind of teaching high school English to the denizens of Vermont's Northeast Kingdom.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

This one I am very proud of...

I am apparently getting the big cold over with early. I hope it has had its way with me and will get bored with me soon. I took lots of naps today, played cards and wrote one heck of a piece of flash fiction: "In the End, We are Like our Fathers". It will see print in Unquiet Earth by Static Movement. I am very proud of this one. It came to me while I was cursing my state of unhealth and my boy's continuing struggle with his ailments. I hope all of you stay in good health. Stay true to yourselves and the great mother.

Your Pal,

1 comment:

  1. So proud of you, Travis! I can't wait to be able to go to the bookstore and pick up a big tome of your work to read....S.K. Just isn't turning them out quick enough for me these day :P
